Earlier this month we were honoured to welcome Darren Jones, MP for Bristol North West, to InstaGroup HQ. He took time out of his busy schedule to officially open the newly refurbished InstaGroup offices in Wokingham.
On July 7 we welcomed staff, industry partners and suppliers to the official opening of InstaHouse – the head offices of InstaGroup.
It’s taken over a year (working around the pandemic) to re-design, re-build and fully refurbish our office building in Wokingham. We are immensely proud to be able to share this huge milestone in the company’s 40-year history.
Attendees included Lily Frencham, CEO of The ADE (The Association for Decentralised Energy), members of Trustmark, and a range of councils including Bracknell Forest Council.
We were also very pleased that Darren Jones, MP for Bristol North West, could accept our invitation, and take the time to come and formally open the new InstaGroup offices. Darren works closely with businesses such as InstaGroup, as he also serves as Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BEIS), and sits on the Joint Committee of the National Security Strategy.
Supporting the drive to Net Zero
Darren’s speech at the opening ceremony highlighted the importance of companies like InstaGroup in putting energy-saving strategies into action, and cutting the UK’s carbon emissions.
He said, “InstaGroup is a great example of the energy efficiency businesses we need to hit our Net Zero targets.”
He continued, “The new offices are fantastic. It’s great to support InstaGroup. They are one of the leading companies in the country for energy efficiency work.”
“We know how important it is to decarbonise buildings to hit our Net Zero targets, and we can’t do that without companies like InstaGroup.”
Darren Jones, MP for Bristol North West, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BEIS)
He added that it was good to know companies like InstaGroup were doing the work needed across the country to help limit the effects of climate change.
InstaGroup’s new offices and commitment to Net Zero were featured in Wokingham Today. Read more.
New InstaGroup offices now ready for the future
It’s rewarding to hear that InstaGroup’s work is recognised at governmental and policy level. We’re always ready to back plans to save energy, cut carbon emissions and improve homes and buildings.
Dave Robson, CEO of InstaGroup, commented, “A big thanks to Darren Jones, MP, for opening our refurbished offices today. It was great to hear his thoughts on decarbonisation and the energy efficiency industry.”
He added that the new building helped to “symbolise the changes we’ve gone through as a business, and where we are heading”.
“The preparations we are making now enable us to be in the best possible shape to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead with Net Zero.”
He added, “It’s also about attracting the next generation into this sector. This is so important as the industry needs to adapt and modernise if we are going to deliver the changes needed to our building stock.”
“The Committee on Climate Change issued a report with a pretty stark warning: we are way behind where we need to be on energy efficiency, and we urgently need to ramp up action.”
Dave Robson, CEO, InstaGroup of Companies
InstaGroup values, InstaGroup commitment
At InstaGroup, we don’t just talk about Net Zero, we aim to make it our purpose every working day.
So our bright, modern office environment isn’t only a more welcoming place to work and meet – it demonstrates InstaGroup’s commitment to sustainability in buildings and construction.
We’ve fitted reactive lights in rooms and hallways that only switch on when they sense human movement, and used our own adhesive-free flooring made from recycled and recyclable materials. We’ve put instant hot water taps in our kitchens which reduce the energy used for boiling kettles and save on wasted water. We’ve installed solar panels on the roof, and we’ve added charging points for our growing fleet of electric vehicles.
Forward thinking for the way we live
As an environmentally-focused company we are continually researching, investing in and developing systems that will save energy and decarbonise our buildings now, and into the future.
Today, our core businesses in acoustics, insulation, heating and flooring are reducing embodied carbon in construction projects, cutting carbon emissions in UK homes, and supplying industry-acclaimed sustainability in flooring. We also continue to deliver on government-backed grant schemes such as ECO and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.
With more than 80% of the material we use to manufacture our products either recycled or from sustainable sources, we look forward to helping everyone build a brighter future.