InstaGroup CEO Dave Robson takes the helm as new ADE Chair
Dave Robson, CEO of energy efficiency developer InstaGroup, has been appointed as the new Chair of the Association for Decentralised Energy Chair (ADE).
The position, previously held by Ramboll Director Lucy Padfield, will see Dave lead the trade association’s direction and strategy at a pivotal time for the decentralised energy sector. The ADE represents more than 150 interested parties from across the industrial, commercial and public sectors and focuses on four policy areas; flexibility, energy efficiency, heat networks and industrial energy.
Each of these technologies has a unique and crucial role to play in tackling the energy security crisis, and the ADE team are incredibly glad to welcome a Chair with the knowledge, ambition and experience to make sure the organisation and its members can make the largest impact possible in 2023.
Speaking on his new appointment, Dave said: “The ADE is well-known in the sector for the fantastic work it does to progress energy efficiency, as well as its across-the-board successes in integrated, whole system thinking, so it is with real pleasure that I step into the role of Chair at the organisation”.
“There is certainly a wealth of challenges ahead, but with them comes new opportunities, and I am confident that the ADE will continue to play its critical role in the deployment of decentralised energy technologies able to permanently drive down demand, deliver net zero and ultimately, make energy work for the consumer.”
Dave added, “I see ADE having a major impact in influencing future Government Energy policy as the energy crisis, combined with the pressing need to plug the hole in Government finances, pushes Government to focus on solutions that work and are readily scalable. Large-scale centralised energy supply solutions don’t stack up, and take years to come on stream. As a result, demand side solutions and energy efficiency are more important than ever before.
“As Chair, I am keen to support the fantastic team that Lily leads and continue to maintain the ADE’s excellent reputation with Government and wider stakeholders.”
About the ADE
The ADE is bringing energy together to advocate on the priorities for the UK in achieving net zero.
We have over 150 member organisations and together we are driving the decarbonisation of heat, championing the role of industry in the green transition and pushing for UK homes, places of work and public services to be energy efficient and smart.
Only by getting users engaged and investing in energy efficiency, low carbon heat and providing smart flexibility will be the UK truly be able to decarbonise its energy system. For this to happen, energy must work for the user.
At the ADE, we believe that an energy system designed around the user’s needs, enabling the right technology choice in the right place, serves everyone better.